Touching from a distance, further all the time

It's out of control.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

All alone, in your pajamas...

Writing letters to your grandma...

Whoooo! Nerf Herder fucking owns your pansy ass! Don't try to deny it! ...And they love me. Really. They told me. And they stole my pen. It was like a wet dream come true. Oh yeah, and the shirt I got is too big and I tried to shrink it but it's still pretty big. It's an adult medium, they were all out of smalls when I got there. Pfft. Eff them. Oh my effing god and then when my mom washed it all of the signatures faded! Which makes no sense since I have even more signatures on my JamisonParker shirt and we've washed it hundreds of times (since I wear it like once a week) and they barely show up any fainter. So yeah. Now I'm deeply saddened. : [

Anyways, I was shot twice by a hepcat named Titus today. A.K.A. I got two shots at the doctor's office for Hepititus. I think it was the A kind. And then I got another one for some other reason. was bliss. And then I got my height measured at the wall measurer thing. And I fucking shrunk another inch! So now I'm 5'6". I was 5'8" in seventh grade. And then I shrunk and inch in eighth. And now I shrunk again. My mom thinks it's because I'm a vegan and I have bone loss. Which is good for a laugh and a half.

La la la...put your hands on my cashmere sweater...don't it make you feel la.

Oh yeah, and orientation was today and I got my schedule/locker assignment. My locker is number 35 in case you're wondering (which you're probably not), and it's a damned bottom one. Everyone knows I'm a top! Ahahaha. Yeah, um, anyways, here's my schmedule:

**First semester:
per. 1: CWI - Wiskow
per. 2: Biology - West
per. 3: English - Gorey
per. 4: Geometry - Akiyama
per. 5: Draw/Paint/Design - Thies
per. 6: Weight Training -Jamison ( I just need a teacher named Parker)
**Second semester:
per. 5: Theatre Arts - I think it's Grajewski, ugh
per. 6: Photo II - Tibeau

Yeah...about the Theatre Arts thing...anyone who knows me or has seen me do any public speaking knows that that's not the class I'd take. Jessica and I just put it as our last alternative because it was the only one left that added up to two credits. GOD. I'm going to die in that class. Hopefully I'll be gone by then. And so far I only know two people that have classes with me (Lizzie second period and Phillip in sixth). So yeah...something tells me this year is going to suck too.

Boo boo ba boo. I meant to say something else but now I forgot. And this is getting somewhat long anyways so I'll stop.


P.P.S. - You got the GPA but where is the dirty love?


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