Touching from a distance, further all the time

It's out of control.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Oh man.

Those damned shots I got on Wednesday made me sick. God, it sucked major ass. But I finally got some sleep. : ]

Anyways, yeah, I was left alone for a few hours again today so of course some weird shit happened at my house. Something was outside and scared my cat. Then something was inside and scared my cat (and me). Then I heard things, saw things, felt things. Let me tell you, if you have no connection to the supernatura/spirit world/whatever you may call it, be thankful. it's kind of overrated. So I basically spent a good deal of the night being freaked out. Especially when it came time to see things. Not even my HAPPY FUN! playlist could help me out. I think that's mainly because I always have it on shuffle but it always plays the same fucking songs. Argh. Seriously, you can only handle the same shit for a certain amount of time. AHHHH! Motherfucking My Chemical Romance just came on. Jeebus Christ, whenever I put my media player on shuffle it always plays like eight My Chemical Romance songs in a row. And it does that with no one else. Okay anyways, I put it on Blue Sky Mile (!) now. Ahh, all is well. Damn them for breaking my heart though!

::le sigh::

Okay well my back is hurting now and I should probably start getting back to all my messages, so yeah.

We're not sick yet, we're not gonna drag this out...


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