Touching from a distance, further all the time

It's out of control.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

I'm not your poor thing.


You best be bowing down, zombies.

By the way, I just downloaded a few of the songs they've had on the show (Poor Thing, Mr. Nice Guy, etc.) and now I'm going fucking crazy with them. Oh my god seriously, get these if you don't have them. The sound quality sucks on most of them, like they were just recorded from the telly or live or whatever, but still...they fucking own. Especially "Poor Thing." That one sounds like it was actually separately recorded in a studio or something too. w00t.

Oh, and I downloaded a few versions of the theme song too, and in the full length version, it has a rap by some guy and some more of the singing lady. Quite entertaining.

Yeah...I put them on my account and tried to post the links earlier, but for some reason they get messed up on this blogger. Pfft. Yeah thanks.

So if you want to hear them I guess you'll just have to go sort through a bunch of files to find a somewhat good quality version now. Ha.


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