Touching from a distance, further all the time

It's out of control.

Monday, February 06, 2006

You had me before hello.


M'kay so my "New Year's thing" was that I was going to start putting this thing to use everyday (or just update one of my other five hundred blogs everyday), and so far I've failed miserably. But whatever. It's the computer's fault. Damn thing can't stay working for more than a week at a time, I swear to fucking God...

Anywho, I've been horribly sick this past week or so, and I still feel like a fucking leper. Good thing I don't completely look like one. Yet. But man, I had to miss like all but a day and a half of lessons last week, and now I have hella makeup work to do. HELLA. And of course being the Amanda that I am...I've spent all day on this bloody device. Pssha. Less than a week into the semester and I'm already most likely going to be failing all my classes. What the fuck, man, what the fuck.

Urrrghhh okay do you ever get that thing where you don't type for a while and then your fingers get all cold and numb and when you start typing again you can't do it right? Yeah well that always happens to me and it's doing it right now. Motherfucker. You'd never guess but it's taking me like five minutes per sentence right now because I keep typing the wrong keys.

Speaking of keys...anyone out there want to help me out with my keyboard? I have no idea what the fuck I'm supposed to do with it. I got it for Christmas this past December. Hot damn. If I had gotten it back in junior high when I was in choir and knew how to play a few chords it would have been perfect. But now...I've forgotten everything. Even "Heart and Soul." Or as Amanda, Kaila, and I called it..."The Candy/Canaan Song." Ahahah what a way with words we have. ;] Either way, I didn't want a damn keyboard in the first place and told my parents whatever they do, don't get me a keyboard for Christmas. And what do they do? They get me a flippin' keyboard. Oh, and wool socks. Because vegans just loooove wool socks.

Big fucking PFFFFT.

Jinkies. I need some sleep. And a back massage. And Slender Means to show up at my doorstep and play in my washroom.

Dare to dream, kids. Dare to fucking dream.


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