Touching from a distance, further all the time

It's out of control.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Butcher/The Barber

That's love right there.

Woop woop I'm doing my photo assignment right now. The "One Object, 24 Different Ways" one. I've chosen to do books for mine. Quite exciting. I just wished I had some more interesting books. And now the sun that I was using has gone down so I have to make my own lighting. Not as fun. This roll better not be underexposed like my metering practice one was. That really sucked, and since this is an assignment I'm going to fucking kill myself if it doesn't turn out. Fuck, I probably just jinxed it. Ha, Mr. T-Bone is probably wondering what the fuck I'm doing in Photo II since like half of my rolls were either messed up or lost last year. But oh well.

I need a new camera. The one I'm using now was my fathers. Well, it still is, I just never bothered to give it back to him. But he was drunk when he gave it to me so he probably doesn't even remember that I have it. He had an arseload of 35mm cameras actually, and I really don't know why, since he doesn't even do anything with them that I know of. But yeah, it messes up on me a lot. Seriously, it eats batteries ultra quick, underexposes things, doesn't load right, or takes pictures automatically or something because I always find weird photos I didn't take on my rolls.

Anyways, I'm not sure how I'm going to fill an entire roll (a 36 exp. roll too) with books. I'm trying to think of mroe angles and perspectives and ideas, and looking online for any examples, but I can't find any and I'm running out of ideas. My original plan was to do a "love" theme, and go around photographing couples, families, musicians perfecting their craft, etc., but I didn't have enough time. I was going to get some in at school and at the From Aphony shoot yesterday, but then the only couples I really know at school were all gone or I didn't see them together all day, and then I ended up not even being able to go to the shoot yesterday either. Fucking lame sauce. And the only couples/families I saw on Friday and Saturday were all really creepy looking or looked like they were stressed, so I didn't want to bother them.

Then yesterday I was looking through my new ELLEgirl magazine and saw all the cool clothing layouts, so I decided to do that. But my clothes are fucking boring or ugly, so I went to some thrift stores to look for some interesting (and cheap) things to play around with. Then while I was there I saw all the books and records and got the idea to do one of those instead.

So here I am doing books, because I figured those would be a better idea and could express more yadda yadda. I might do another roll with records though just incase. w00t w00t well I must be going now. M'kay buh bye.


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