Touching from a distance, further all the time

It's out of control.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Another reason to fucking hate going back to KR

If I would have stayed at Highline, I would have been able to graduate early.
Of course I knew nothing about this until today, sitting in the office waiting to be registered with Mr. Nicholson.
Turns out that when Highline inflated my credits from 9th year and the three quarters I spent of 10th before moving, they gave me .67 credits per semester. I also got one credits per class from when I started attending school there, so with all that added up together, I ended up with about 21.7 credits total. You need 29 to graduate there, and get eight per year. And by the end of this school year, I would have met all the class requirements AND COULD HAVE FUCKING GRADUATED EARLY.
Which I probably wouldn't have done anyways, to be honest, since I fucking loved that school and wanted to stay as long as fucking possible. But still, I could have had the option, and I could have filled senior year with fun classes that I wouldn't really need anyways.
I hate this. I want to go back.


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