Touching from a distance, further all the time

It's out of control.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

She wants to go hooooome...

Ugh. I'm feeling like fucking shit right now. Have been since the end of May. But it's especially fuckingshitty now. I was sick again today. They still don't even know what's wrong with me, but I've been getting sick off and on every couple of days since the beginning of last month. I threw up last night a few times and was freezing all day while everyone else was hot, and when I woke up this morning I had another crippling stomach pain. At least I could still see though. Oh fuck I probably just jinxed myself.

Anyyyyyyways, my mother's been calling me like every day since I first started getting sick and telling me how I need to move back with her. Pssha. Like that's going to happen. Although honestly I don't much feel like living here at my dad's anymore either. It's not that I don't like living with him, or that I don't like him in general, but Jesus fucking Christ...people will not leave us the fuck alone. Fucking shitty ass relatives are ALWAYS FUCKING HERE. I haven't had a whole day alone with my dad since before he was diagnosed, and now the only times him and I actually are alone together with no annoying aunts/uncles/cousins/MOOCHERS is at night. Wow big fucking woop woop about that. Especially since he ends up falling asleep within a few hours so we can't even do anything. Holy shit, people. I could go on for hours about every single relative whose done nothing but make me want to strangle them but I think I will restrain myself.

I have to go finish my makeup work and practice guitar too. I have to makeup like four fucking song tests tomorrow, plus work on a new one. UGH.


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