Touching from a distance, further all the time

It's out of control.

Monday, November 27, 2006

I, I, I, I, I want to walk in the snow and not leave a footprint.


Holy nutsack. I swear, I went up to my room for like an hour, had the shades down, went online to Myspace and all these people were posting bulletins saying 'Do you think school will be cancelled?' and shit like that. The snow had mostly already melted from yesterday this afternoon when the sun came out, so I thought they were just being idiots. Then I went and looked out James' window and the fucking neighbourhood was covered in snow. The roads look hella bad too, and from the looks of it, some people couldn't even drive all the way through. There's cars parked along the sides of the streets and I saw some people get out of one and just start walking. Diagonally.

Fuck. Good thing I can't drive. But I still hate it.

BUT BUT BUT on the brightside my mum got stranded in downtown Renton and called James to say she was going to a Holiday Inn (no Hilton?!?) and she'd call him from there. Which I thought meant she wasn't coming home tonight. But of course she found a way to plow past the ice with her death-ray stare and she just called James again and said to pick her up at Shari's. How she got there I will never know. Hot damn. Today was one of those days when it would be safer for me if she couldn't come into contact with me for the rest of the day. Fuck this too. But mostly fuck the snow for being like a bastardass confusing girlfriend and changing its mind as to whether or not people can drive through it.

Anyways they should be home soon. So I should probably get off the computer now. Plus all this white shit has given me some more inspiration for my next I-really-need-a-boy/girlfriend mix-tape.

See ya! Try not to freeze to death before my next blogga logga.


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