Touching from a distance, further all the time

It's out of control.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Worst. Hair. Ever.


I just got back from getting my hair cut and it is even WORSE than the last time that crapass hair lady cut it. I kid you not. I look like a fucking 9327598327st matronly little boy. I FUCKING HATE IT.

I went back to Adeline this time too! She usually does a great fucking job. So here I was this week, fucking coked up drugged out skip-happy fucking marvelous as can be, all fucking excited to get my hair trimmed, and she fucking butchers it.

I even brought a picture of what I wanted it to look like. She cut it about two inches too short, so short that she fucking took out a man's buzzcut razor and started to shave off the back of my head! What the fuck?! And, as you know, hair shrinks about an inch when it dries, so it looked even more horrid after she took out the blow torch. Then instead of straightening it, she curled the ends under, so it looked like the biggest pile of shit I've ever seen. After about ten minutes of curling the ends (all the while she was talking on her cell phone) she put in hair cream and doused me in hairsppray. She must have cut me with the razor too, because my neck started stinging like hell. Fuck.

After all this, my hair is fucking ruined. And of course she and Mum were saying 'Oh it's so cute! I like it, you look nice' and other fucking bullshit. While they were saying this to me, the rest of the people there were looking at my head in disgust. Yeah, that really means I look nice.


I swear I will not even leave the house until it grows or until I can fix it with a wig or extensions or something. Fuck, I was so fucking amped for the Schoolyard Heroes/From Aphony concert tomorrow night. And now I'm going to fucking miss it, because there's no fucking way I'm going out like this.

Yes, it is really that fucking horrible. Shit.


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