Touching from a distance, further all the time

It's out of control.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

(Not-so) Sad memories I can't recall

I have rediscovered the joys of alcoholism.
But shhhh don't tell my case manager. :DDD

No but srsly, last night was fucking fun as hell. Liz, Brittany, and Ashley are a total win in my book. So are all the hot friends.

GAH. I still feel dizzy like a mo'fo', and have so much BA shit to do still. Fucking shit....
I'm off to watch the Puppy Bowl (best shit ever) again and try to bullshit my way through Business Law. How horrible is that.... I went to my business law class at Kentridge maybe five or six times in two months, got stoned instead, and now I have to take that shit again on a junior college level.
Payback can suck a tit.

P.S. - Everyone should go buy the latest Justice, Steve Aoki, and Vampire Weekend albums because they are fucking AMAZING. I've got to get my hands on some more Uffie now.


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