Touching from a distance, further all the time

It's out of control.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Take it back, take it back, take it back...

Either this weekend's supply fucking kicked my ass in a totally orgasmic way, or I'm just getting old and can't handle shit anymore. I stayed home sick today, vomiting, sneezing, nosebleeding, passing out, and aching in every which way. Fuck.
I need to get a hold of myself. Or maybe I just need to stop taking such long breaks in between fun times. Meh, either way, I'm going to have to find another way to dance (HA! Told you that song could be applied to any mind-alterer woes), because my usual methods are starting to weaken in strength.

UGH I suppose I should try to get myself in order for class tomorrow. I swear, I was just not cut out for the high school life. I may end up just taking my classes online for the rest of the year, or at least next term. It'll probably cost me around $900, but that's less than an average month's check so it wouldn't really phase me. I'll have to think about that.

Anyways, the bitch is back so I'm going to have to go shield my face now.
- Mandergander


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