So it turns out there is such a thing as too much Laffy Taffy.
Ugh. I feel like shit.
But yayyy for Halloween! I'm a little late, since it's over in less than an hour, but oh well.
Anyways, today was pretty fucking awesome. Mario, Anna, and I just hung out all day. I just got home about two hours ago. And we went trick-or-treating! I didn't really do that last year, since we were just hanging out at David's then. This year had clear skies too, and wasn't like the kilometre deep rain storm we had last year. Nice. Yet there was still hardly anyone out. I swear, the turnout gets smaller and smaller each passing year.... Damn fucking shame.
SHIT my stomach hurts. I wish people would start handing out more vegan-friendly candy, so I don't have to live off of Laffy Taffy and Dum Dums. Nothing wrong with those two, but they give me wicked bad stomach pains. Ergh.
Welllllll I still have shitloads of homework and make-up work to do for school, so I should probably start on that soon. Probably.
Mannn I wish Halloween wasn't just once a year.