Touching from a distance, further all the time

It's out of control.

Monday, May 14, 2007

In addition to needing rehab...

Apparently I've gained so much fucking weight while living in my current "not-my"-household that that's all anyone seems to fucking notice.
Thanks, thanks a fucking lot.
Not only am I fucking feeling shitty as hell internally, but I'm looking like a fucking fat disgusting slob physically as well.

God damn it.

Why couldn't I just be with my Kent friends, fucking glamourously trashed and looking halfway fucking decent?
Memorial weekend. I have no family so I am coming to fuck myself over with anyone wanting to join. I'm talking a fucking April repeat to the fucking nth degree.

You hear me? I'm really fucking through with everyone and everything right now and don't want to have to feel anything real anymore.
I'm through with waiting for what's-his-fucking-face to fucking come around and try to make cleanliness appealing. Fuck your-face. I'm tired of wanting you, and if you don't realise you're my fucking anti-depressant, then you're not worth it anyways.
I need to fucking leave all this shit behind and just waste my life away on something that actually makes me feel worthwhile.

I'd go for fucking ritual suicide right now, but if I'm unhappy in life then I shouldn't be unhappy in death.
Therefore an overabundance of a fucking eat-your-heart-out experience is the only fucking option.


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